While there are varying shades of grey, we like our answers simple. With so much info to digest, right or wrong allows us to quickly move onto the next sound bite or 140 characters, placing things neatly behind us into their boxes. But what to do about Lance Armstrong? A global icon, overcoming grave odds, beating cancer, setting up foundations to raise millions, returning to do the impossible, 7 Tour de France victories, aspirational, inspirational-a hero, our hero. And the USADA's Travis Tygart - doggedly determined to prove that doping was linked to his successes all along. Checking urine all day can't be fun - hmm...hint of asparagus...they must be the bad guys with a single minded vendetta, making a name for themselves. Was he coerced by his entourage to level the playing field, cos everyone was doing EPO? Next up are the former team mates who're coming out and accusing him - jealousy? George Hincapie rode next to him for most Tours and he's prepared to say what he knows. Floyd Landis - sour grapes that he was bust and Lance wasn't? There are multi million endorsement deals, Nike, Oakley, Trek, who've leveraged the successes of his fairytale story and continue to support him as its good business - have they never suspected a thing?
Then there's Lance saying that he's had enough of the witch hunt, let them say what they want, his conscience is clear. Is that an implicit admission- or is he really 'over it', the constant harassment?
I'm a practical person. There are kids with ability, who dream that by focusing on their goals and training, forsaking all else, they will overcome and succeed. To then realise they've come up short because the winners have a better pharmacist, is a betrayal.
So Mr Tygart - your move. His titles have gone, the humiliation continues. You have 10 people who will testify and you say you have the evidence.
If he's guilty - how will I feel?
It's not a simple answer.
pic:mng interactive
TWITTER: deon_bing
A great take on a very sad state of affairs. Whether Lance is guilty or not, it's clearly evident that the entire sport of Pro Cycling is certainly "not about the bike" anymore. For me, the "Tour" has lost all sense of sporting honour, and has become a "Tour de Farce". Adios to Phil Ligget, the sprints, crashes, climbs and that yellow jersey.