Monday, April 8, 2013


Natures got it tough. A 6:45 sunset is shot from every angle, on phones, ipads, digital cameras. Perched on the rocks and dunes, at cocktail bars and rooftop terraces, they're held high in reverence to the West and the flashes go off. Then a finger drag or pinch, a contrast tweak and a colour slider to 100%. Maybe a cool filter and edge vignette before uploading. A surreal image goes viral.
Or you can feel its mustard hued foam spray swirling up the beach on a stiff onshore breeze, waves crashing onto shallow mud banks, spewing fans of grit. Varied clouds bubble and wisp and streak at different heights, dragging a dark new storm behind them. Backlit rain drifts horizontally across a muted sun, outstretched rays struggling to pierce the ominous dusk.
360 degree views in realtime, more beautiful than a frame grab.
Take off your shoes and put the phone down...
Pic credit : deviant art

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