Friday, March 16, 2012

Its always about oil

Sometimes celebrities link to a cause for their own publicity, but this isn't one of them. Well done to George Clooney and friends on the lawns of the Sudan Embassy on Massachusettes Ave, Washington DC. After coming in by train on Wednesday, media were prepped for something to happen. His mission has been to keep the world aware of the continuing conflict in Sudan, helping establish the Satellite Sentinel Project ( the 'anti-genocide paparazzi'. Cameras in the sky that monitor daily military and civilian activity in the Nabu border region, where he's recently returned from. South Sudan has the oil and the Northern region has the refineries, a continuing point of conflict. Although convicted for various Darfur war crimes, ordering mass murder, torture and rape, Sudans president Omar el Bashir remains in power and continues unhindered with killing innocent civilians and preventing aid from reaching them. Clooney maintains that el Bashir is the greatest war criminal alive and something needs to be done. People need to know what is happening, which is why they protested on the grounds earlier today. The arrest is a formality, he was taken away in a Secret Service van and released on $100 bail. But the publicity will bring the crisis back into the spotlight.
Thanks George Clooney
pic: splashnewsonline

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