Monday, January 16, 2012

Whats in a tweet?

I've been tweeting a beach report for Cape Town over the December season, finding the best places, out of the wind, the traffic - sharing the stoke of being in our beautiful city. Whats been interesting, is that when the folk have returned home to Jozi - or even further - they continue to follow and interact. Why would anyone want to follow a local beach report when they're a thousand km's away? But it's obvious - while preparing for a holiday is an exciting time, the reliving of it through photos and stories is just as much fun. If I'm tweeted the daylight hours for Merzouga, it's remembering the Saharan sunrise over the Algerian blue mountains. The Costa Rican water temperatures or a traffic snarl up in Kuta, a train strike in Paris or a restaurant review in New York - it sparks something and the smells, the sights and the memories are back. Its not a punishment, or wishing I was there -  just a good feeling of having done it, been a part of it, with the hope of returning one day.
twitter: deon_bing

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