Monday, December 5, 2011

Summer Madness

The two week frenzy is 2 weeks away and we're going to squeeze the 50 weeks of missed out life into that short holiday burst. The jailers, wardens, and demigods have slackened the chains and we will run free...but can we be trusted? Our first tourist was blown out to sea a few days ago - no wetsuit, lifejacket or flares. A gale South Easter and 10 degree water should have been his clue that he was unprepared - locals and NSRI got him safely back. People will drink and drown, toddlers will go missing in crowds, cars will overtake on blind rises and tons of litter will be removed daily. Thats just the way it was last year and the year before that.
Watch out for each other and lead the change.
pic Christoph Schmid

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