Sunday, November 20, 2011

Washed Up

The most perfect day of madness down at Kommetjie. Giving Chris and I the mic and the loop of insanity was complete - what a day! First the Grom expression session, tagging waves instead of walls, to the crazy themed surf contest, dressup compulsory. Superheros, bluebottles, Lumo crabs and the Grim Reaper ripped up the waves - with the boat people arriving late. They're busy on a circumnavigation and were 50 meters into their trip before getting washed up. What seemed like a good idea the night before - a portapool, strapped to 3 windsurfers, with cane garden furniture and a sail, proved less seaworthy than planned, with the inshore boulders claiming their craft - fat jol, big prizes and a return to the fun stoke that got us surfing in the first place.
Pic: Mail Online

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