Thursday, September 29, 2011

Know the Signs

Our thoughts are with the swimmer who lost his leg to a shark while swimming at Fish Hoek yesterday, and we wish him strength over the tough times of recovery, rehabilitation and physio. Apparently the beach had been closed to swimmers after a shark had been spotted earlier. With such a large beach and multiple access points, its possible he wasn't even aware. I am sure there are a number of people who don't know the meaning of the different flags. Heres a guide. Thanks to the City and the Shark Spotters program for keeping a eye out for us. GREEN is good visibility and no sharks have been spotted. BLACK means poor visibilty, but no sharks seen, RED means a shark has been seen recently, but is no longer visible and WHITE with a Black Shark  and a siren means a shark has been sighted, leave the water calmly, but immediately. 
No flag means no spotters. The spotters are dedicated and help us to be safer, but using the sea is at your own risk. Hope this helps - be safe out there

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rebel Sessions

This was the Atlantic swell that was 4 foot at first light and grew with each set until it got to 15 foot+ by lunchtime. The guys were out paddling and towing Sunset.
(Pic - Rebel Sessions)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Everyday People

So Sly is now living in a van in LA - had the killer set at Woodstock in the 60's, coming on after Janis Joplin and handing the rocking masses over to The Who in the wee hours. Can't even guess the creative forces at work to forge the funk that came from the Family Stone - hey they push both if you wanna judge the man, check out the music.
(bit of a slowboat download...get those peace-out fingers ready...)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


You can write your own caption to this photo taken by Agustin Moniz of a cliff diver in the Caribbean, off Jamaica. A perfect day, a perfect dive, crystal clear, warm water and the freedom of momentary flight, captured perfectly.
The skill and the photography set a standard I'm in awe of. I can't stop staring.

Chicks at the Bar

Nothing pretentious, no canapes, mood music or uplighting...just a mix of gaslight noise and a wave cracking across the sandbar you've surfed for the last 3 hours. The chickens eyeing you across the room, but you're too stuffed to care, and the cold Lions hitting the spot. Until it climbs up onto the light and fries its toes, squawking you out of your daze - dof...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Riaan takes on Chuck and the Hoff

Saw this last night for the first time...Riaan rocks!! For me, Riaan always trumped a tag trio of the Hoff, Chuck Norris and Conway Twitty - and now he's streaking ahead. Thats one massive leap for the aliens - go you viper tounged body morpher go!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


* Jeez that was close...

Dunno bout you, but if Schalks about to take that big step and drop his shoulder, look for me in the missed tackle stats...after 30 years of dribbling waves and limp paddling, I'm creaking around the lineup - how these okes gonna feel when they hit 50?  I'm wearing padding just sitting on the couch - brutal!  Boks a bit too close for comfort, but a wins a win - and don't tell me the All Blacks, England or France looked convincing either. My new next best team has got to be the Japs - loved their fighting spirit!
Pic AP

Monday, September 5, 2011

Same old story

The teams are there, spread out across the 11 Regions, crowds are pulling in and they're only going to be about $33 Million short...but it'll be justified with the tourism exposure and a longer term return. Aussies will do the weekend commute to the games cos local prices have increased too much. Do we see a trend emerging? Same old Same old - but upside is the games are going to be fantastic, Springboks are peaking and we don't have to pick up the tab for the shortfall this time. Blow that whistle ref!
The Herald Pic

So Long Board riders

The first wave of the Villa crew head off to Colombo airport - then scatter across the globe like grains of rice. It's been a fantastic week of competition at the Aragum Bay contest - but we're leaving with way more than we came with - without buying a thing...Great times, memories, people, places, waves - come over and see for yourself...Sri Lanka style - where the living is easy.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Red Fish, Blue Fish

A week ago, I'd hauled the Yellow fish off the plane in Sri Lanka, and over the edge of a few fun waves. First day was a mix of wobbling, slow up on my feet, rubbish surfing, getting the winter stiffness out of the joints. A week later, and these endless little walls peeling down one of 8 points in the area, and the fish is flying. Fitter, healthier, happier - all good! Another 2 weeks and I'll get the cutback your back Jordy - two months here I'll be on the Tour!!

Friday, September 2, 2011


The tuk tuks scurry around the dust tracks like little beetles, backs groaning under the weight of boards. Haring and hooting round a bend, theres a constant to and fro of surfers on a mission to find the next spot - tick it off the list. There hasn't been a bad call yet. Even though the swell has dropped over the last few days, the quality of the wave gives enough power to have a fun session even at 2 foot. We surfed Peanut farm with a couple of the Hawaiians and South Africans taking a break from the Longboard tour - the contest is on hold till the new swell arrives on Saturday. Hot water and waves - you're never sure if its cooler in or out of the sea. Heading for the shade of the jungle after another day roasting in the fun waves of Sri Lanka

Early Breakfast

OK - so we suspend the other reality and live this dream for a while...and realise that its not impossible to follow an Endless Summer. The template was set with Bruce's movie in the 60's - it's out there and a whole lot cheaper than what chews up the cash back home. Bed for the night R 100, first surf and fresh shower - free, breakfast smoothie R 5.00, second surf - free, paddle down the point, leave your board under a tree and pop into the Gecko for a full breakfast and coffee and a view up the point towards the contest site - R 30.00 - go surf could be on this loop and it wouldn't be all bad! Chilling out Sri Lankan style.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Spring is Sprung

Spring Day! The World Longboard Pro is on hold down at Aragum Bay in Sri Lanka, so a quick banana  pancake at  6 a.m. and a bodysurf to get the morning off to an energetic start. Normally, you can't get out of bed at this time in Cape Town - dark and you just wanna 'hit it and klap a dawnie' Well done to SA's Sarah Baum for her great run at the 6* Ladies event on here at the moment. Looking good to be joining the WCT elite on next years World Tour. can't get enough of this warm water...