Monday, March 19, 2012

Bieber beating

Aagh - nooit, another artiste who wishes to be taken seriously. Showing he can take copious abuse and still emerge to produce great work, Justin beat himself roughly while Tony Kelly took the pics for Complex magazines 10th Anniversary edition. I don't get it, but then I'm not their target market.
In the ultimate tag smackdown for King of Cheese supremacy, I'd have Biebs, The Hoff, Conway Twitty, Riaan Cruywagen and Chuck Norris - with legendary Stan Christodoulou as the ref. Don King would put it all together at the Good Hope Centre, Penny Coelen Rae would hold the boards with the numbers on and Johan Stemmet would announce.
Ringside seats won't be cheap.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see this!! Johan Stemmet must just remember to put on his smartie box colour pullover and hopefully some sex wax for Don King's hairstyle!!
