Monday, January 1, 2001


What's your most embarrassing moment?

The hot sweaty, wake up in the middle of the night stuff, heart pounding at the memory of it? That sort of thing? The one you wish you hadn’t done… what a **** aargh!!!! Ja, with a fly off the edge, loose mouth like mine, it’s a daily occurrence – problem is, they just keep happening, but, with help, I’m learning to live with it.

What's the best piece of advice you've received?

Can’t think of some classy shoo wow comment that’ll endear me to deep thinking people – hmmmm….’Enjoy the ride’ maybe?

What's your secret indulgence?

Hows this question… then its not a secret anymore. OK, until my last keystroke it used to be sushi, sauvignon blanc, port from Portugal, good writing paper, Dickens, haunting cello, an Islay single malt in a Noordhoek Cave during the worst storm, - I digress – I think I’ve said too much already.

Who has influenced you most?

Madiba – he’s the man

What's a typical Sunday morning like for you?

Cursing the night before, swearing to go easy for the rest of my life, coffee, wetsuit, board on roof, wake family, check conditions, coffee, chocolate croissants, New York Times and Travel sections, coffee into flask, surf all day, Actually – this could be any day…


  1. I said I would and now I have,Bingo!

  2. Bingo,
    You are getting quite good at this Blogging thing!

  3. Hi there Deon I am a huge fan of yours and I listen to you every morning on KFM on my way to school. You make me laugh so much. You are awesome Deon Bing!

  4. How does one get a life like yours?

  5. Howit co-Noordhoeker, My brother-in-law is a keen "anything to do with surf or mountain bikes or cliffs". He is particularly good at surfing and paddleskiing? He recently had a birthday and we cant get him a day adventure to try kite surfing. I know you and Ryan did it [and survived] but we just want to give him the gift of trying out something great that could be something he could persue. He is not a beginner and has a adventurous heart. Please wont you let me know where I can try to get him this one day adventure gift.

  6. You have the most interesting life, I would like my son to have one like yours, just say the word and I will make sure he signs up for some tutoring classes from you....LOL

  7. Its all down to choice....wise words Mr Bing.
    PS - Longboarders do it on the Nose Yo!

  8. I love you report every morning on KFM.
    It makes my day and I don't even surf.
    Keep it up, you rock!

  9. Hey dude.....where did your mother find you? ha ha! Deon you make my day, everyday, especially on a Monday morning when I know that it's another whole week to go before the week-end! Love you to bits!
